
    Environmental protection starts from me。
    With a drop of water, but also a genuine feeling!
    Do the earth mother's boy, protect her!
    Protect the environment pollution glory shameful。
    Protect the environment and health benefits。
    Put one thousand jins axe, go often plant trees!
    To develop the economy at the expense of the environment。
    Protect the environment, is to cherish life。
    At the foot of mercy, please, don't hurt the grass。
    Keep the beauty of the grass, embodies the beauty of you。
    Castle peak my orders, static water my ears。
    Stop your footsteps, keep a piece of green!
    Protect the homeland to improve environmental consciousness。
    Cloud-covered mountains and people, say, an infinite good。
    There is only one earth, human should be in the same boat。
    The grass is sleeping, don't into the lawn to bother。
    Quick action, protect the natural ecological!
    Protecting the environment is to protect productivity。
    To protect our homes, let the earth is full of green。
    Let us hold up a green umbrella together for the earth mother。
    Love the motherland, afforestation, keep clean, love their homes。
    Let the sky bluer, the water cleaner, let's start small。
    Everybody for environmental protection, environmental protection for everybody。
    The grass just drill ground, please voluntarily protect the weak。
    Love our mother, don't let her sad and disappointed!
    Please don't disorderly woods, let air more pure and fresh。
    Let wind no longer abroad and also a piece of green earth。
    Fairyland lined with trees, flowers everywhere, and very beautiful。
    Picked up a piece of paper, to create a beautiful environment。
    Protection of the environment was the sustainable development of enterprise。
    Environmental behavior, reflect everywhere, tidiness, everybody。
    Earth's dream, get yourself a beautiful "green unlined upper garment"。
    Don't let the lovely creatures in the hands of our generation。
    Friend, please give the bird a warm air, please give the fish a bit more entertainment heaven and earth。
    Human beings should be ashamed for their destruction of environment。
    Humans have the green trees, flowers and grass, life will be more beautiful。
    With joy dance steps, stop sand, make the birds dance, make the green。
    Love green protect green, environmental protection; Thrift, cherish resources。
    Take the green to every corner of the world, let the green into people's minds。
    The sky is the bird house, river is the home of the fish, the earth is our home。
    The fate of the earth lies in the people's hand, a bit not careful, will be destroyed。
    Because human prank, so the earth mother in tears, fast to stop mother's tears。
    Let us to protect plants and trees! Out look, trees and flowers to you in hope of hands。
    We sad for fewer and fewer natural resources, the destruction of resources cry for us。
    Earth is black, dont let the sky was crystal clear, the river clean, delicate and charming flowers!
    Rational utilization of natural resources to prevent environmental pollution and ecological destruction。
    Rational utilization of resources to protect the ecological balance to promote sustainable economic development。
    Listen to the mother nature sweet whispers, how good, can let mother SOB。
    Protect the environment, to you very, very careful, very considerate。