
    Lies can never last。
    Lies in the more bizarre。
    Lies near the boat。
    Lies the four seasons can grow。
    Truth step approach, lies have to run away。
    Truth is the best remedy, a lie is virus。
    The only child in the world and don't lie。
    I don't know "is better than lying。
    Flattery never out great minds。
    Deception is easier than pursuing the lame dog。
    To defend himself, turn on his own。
    Half-truths lies is the most vicious lies。
    Rumors are spreading more and more strong。
    A lie begets a lie, a lie from generation to generation。
    People who believe in lies will destroy before truth。
    The bitterest often lie in the silence of the way。
    Lies in the life can't leave from the bright flowers。
    Often the most offensive silently spread lies。
    Wordless purity naive, often can move more than speak。
    Clay figurine can not stand the rain dozen, lies can not stand。
    Driftwood lie is root, sooner or later are washed to the shore。
    Everyone don't listen to your lies, liar would be extinct。
    Promise quick like a horse, but it can catch up with it。
    A man born to lie, and women born to believe a lie。
    Kind man shouldn't say falsehood, smart people should not lie。
    Sometimes, a lie is very beautiful, her name is called "white lies"。
    Every piece of soil of hypocrisy and fraud, they are the four seasons of plant。
    Sometimes people also hated flattery, but hated flattery only way。
    Can a person rather than one hundred lies, also don't want to listen to a word he didn't want to hear the truth。
    White lie is beautiful, frank and straightforward when it is a mistake, I choose to lie。
    Flattery can also cause coordination, but this coordination is servile shameless sin or deception。
    One of the most successful liar is a lie that makes the least amount of play the biggest role。
    Would rather ill before all people by one person said, than by all before one person said bad words。
    Not everyone in the world do not believe the lies, no don't believe a lie or only believe lies。
    People love lies, not only because of afraid to find out the truth of difficulties and hardships, but also because they are rotten to lie itself has a natural interest。
    True confession frank mowgli is a kind of hurt, I choose to lie to the world of governance in the talent, into the world of people in the enlightenment。
    Whenever a person claimed that all humans are bad guys, you may rest assured that in all this while he is himself as an exception。