
    He who has ears to hear, let him hear。
    The ear is the way to heart。
    Faith is the watch with ears。
    Ear is the blind eyes。
    Music is the eye of the ear。
    Two ears not smell out of the window, read only a sage book。
    7、信仰的眼睛就是耳朵。The eye
    of faith is the ear。
    No more than people without ears deaf。
    Ear has no bottom, can be heard from the early evening。
    Hungry belly is not long ears。
    Someone to talk, and then sure someone is listening。
    The best eyesight also see his own ears。
    A wise man has long ears and a short tongue。
    Teeth not liao is not empty, not dig not deaf ears。
    Seeing is believing, listening to the sounds of virtual。
    We have two ears, but only one mouth, so you should listen more and talk less。
    The woman is with the ear love, but man if can produce love, is to fall in love with the eyes。
    Even if one hundred speaks thirsty mouth, two ears a can accommodate them in。
    From the digits can recognize the lion, from the ear can identify the donkey。
    Ears to hear the melody is beautiful, but did not hear the melody of more beautiful。
    Around the white light of the flood almost all the cement ground roasted smoke, walk on the road, ears are opened the voice on the ground, like a pan boiling rattling。